Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Low Carb HIgh Fat Lifestyle-Where to start?

So, I know I mentioned on Facebook that I was starting a low carb high fat lifestyle, but even then, I hadn't completely researched the subject. That led me to do some digging and I wanted to share what I learned.

First of all, it may seem scary not knowing how to make the change in you and your families way of eating. Don't let it scare you. Just start with making little changes. With each change you make, you are step closer to being healthier. Think of it like a scale of what’s best and what’s not. At one end you have fried foods, processed carbs, cakes, sweets, ice cream. At the other end, very little carbs, whole foods, and no packaged goods. Don’t think it is impossible. Just do the best you can and each step is a step closer. Every step you can take to reduce your carbohydrate consumption is fantastic.

Next, I want to share with you the first 5 things you should stop eating to cut out sugar and carbs from your diet:

  1. Sodas, fruit juice, flavored milk and energy drinks – liquid sugar in a bottle. Even juices that are 100% juice are still loaded with sugar.
  2. Sweets, confectionary, sugary treats – and don’t be fooled but the ones that market themselves as being made with real fruit juice. They are still little cubes of sugar but packed into an attractive sweet.
  3. Baking, cakes, biscuits, pastries – all are incredibly high in sugar, wheat, carbs and bad fats.
  4. Cereals – especially the wholegrain ones. Highly processed, high in sugar and fortified. It will make you have a low sugar crash later in the morning and not fulfill you.
  5. Sugar & Flour – if you give up these 2 things, you will improve your health, weight and nutrition beyond belief. People may say it is restrictive and you are giving up entire food groups, but what you are giving up is food products. It is only because flour and sugar are made into so many products that it appears to be restrictive.
Ok, Ok, I know I've probably scared you and you're thinking "Well, now what CAN I eat?!" Don't worry, I've got a list for that too.
  • Meat – all types of beef, pork, chicken, lamb etc.
  • Fish – all types especially those high in Omega 3 such as salmon, mussels, tuna, sardines, etc.
  • Chicken – skin on, free range
  • Vegetables – all types that grow above the ground. Leafy greens, spinach, silver beet, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, avocados, mushrooms, lettuce, etc.
  • Cheese – choose the full fat varieties.
  • Cream – full fat, double, whipping.
  • Full fat milk – avoid all flavored milks and avoid any milk in large quantities because the carbs will quickly add up
  • Nuts and seeds – a great snack but just watch not to overindulge, especially on cashews which have a higher carb content.
  • Eggs – choose free range if you can
  • Fruit – best to eat the low carb, nutrient dense berries such as blueberries, blackberries etc. Serve with double cream to ensure you are satiated for longer.
  • Fats – use butter, olive oil, coconut oil (high in oleic acid), lard
Some more foods to avoid
  • All processed sugar drinks – this includes sodas and especially fruit juices which are incredibly high in carbs.
  • All cakes, biscuits, jams, sweets.
  • Seed Oils  stop using any seed oils such as sunflower, canola, corn, grapes or margarines.
  • All cereals – if you look at most cereal packets, they contain anywhere from 50%-80% carbs.
  • Bread, pasta, potatoes, sugar etc. There is no nutritional value in these foods that you can't get more of by eating the proper vegetables.
  • Fruit is something that should be limited because of the high fructose content. Yes fruit has vitamins and healthy nutrients, but you will be getting far more nutrients from your increased veggie intake. Choose nutrient dense, low carb fruits such as berries. Fruit such as pineapple, mango, and especially dried fruits, should be avoided. Also avoid ALL fruit juices. They have an incredibly high glycemic index, which will make your insulin spike (and start storing fat again).
  • All wheat products have a high GI, raise your blood sugar and increase appetite
  • Grains avoid all grains including wheat, oats, barley, spelt, sorghum
  • Pasta  high in carbohydrates and almost no nutritional value
  • Potatoes as above
  • Starchy vegetables if you can tolerate some carbs, choose highly colored starchy vegetables such as pumpkin, carrots, beetroot or sweet potato for their wonderful phytonutrients and vitamins.
  • Rice very little nutritional value. Generally used to bulk out a meal. Try substituting rice for more vegetables.
  • Rice crackers these are almost 80% carbs and incredibly processed, especially the flavored ones. Avoid.
  • Diet or low fat products check the labels and you will see how processed they are and how much higher in carbs they are compared to their regular version. For example, low fat cream cheese can be up to 15% carbs, whereas the regular is only 4%.
I'll leave you with this for now. While it is impossible to completely cut out all of the carbs in your diet, it is important to limit them as much as possible and choose healthier foods that are better for you. The good news... You are allowed to eat as much as you want, whenever you want as long as you are hungry and you can keep eating until you are full. But do not overeat or eat when you are not hungry even if it is "meal time". Just remember these few things: keep your carb count low, eat plenty of fats, eat when you are hungry and stop when you get full. Lastly, make sure that you are eating real food and not food that is processed. Stay tuned for my next blog on the advantages of the LCHF lifestyle!

Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

CrockPot Chicken Tacos

I don't know about you, but I LOVE using my CrockPot. I also love easy, delicious meals. Here is a recipe I made recently. It's so good and so easy!

Crockpot Chicken Tacos

2 cups chicken broth
4 chicken breasts
1 packet of taco seasoning (I use homemade clean taco seasoning)
1 packet Ranch dressing mix (I use homemade here as well)

Put chicken breasts in bottom of crockpot. Pour in chicken broth. Sprinkle chicken with taco seasoning and Ranch dressing. Cook on low 3-4 hours, then remove chicken breasts and shred. Place chicken back in crockpot and allow the chicken to soak up the chicken broth. (I usually leave it on warm for 30-60 minutes before serving)

*Serve on tortillas with cheese, sour cream, salsa, lettuce, tomatoes, etc (your favorite toppings)

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Apple with peanut butter and chocolate chips

Craving something sweet? Try this delicious, healthy snack!

1 apple, cut into chunks
2 tbsp organic peanut butter
2 tbsp chocolate chips

Cut apple int chunks. Spoon peanut butter over apple and sprinkle with chocolate chips. Enjoy! Disclaimer: This is highly addicting. 😉

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Food Labels: Decoded

Food labels are complicated, and with all the different terms floating around on them, it can be difficult to know exactly what each one means. But, if you’re well educated and know the significance behind these commonly seen ones, you’ll be able to make the best choices for your healthy lifestyle.
1. Non-GMO: The acronym “GMO” refers to genetically modified organisms, which are living organisms whose genetic make up have been manipulated in a laboratory through artificial means. When something is genetically modified, that means that genes from various other organisms (which can include plants, bacteria, viruses, or animals) have been inserted into it to change its DNA, enabling the food to have some sort of desired characteristic. Most of the time, crops are genetically modified in order to enhance growth or to be resistant to pesticides.
The bottom line: GMOs should be avoided for many reasons, but mainly because no study has proven that they are safe to eat. In fact, most studies are leaning in the other direction, which is why many countries around the world have already banned them.
2. Organic: USDA certified organic foods are grown and processed according to federal guidelines concerning factors such as soil quality, animal raising practices, pest and weed control, and use of additives. More specifically, the USDA states that organic products must be free of synthetic additives like pesticides, chemical fertilizers, and dyes, and must not be processed using industrial solvents, irradiation, or genetic engineering. There are three categories of labels that are used by the FDA: “100% organic,” “organic,” and “made with organic ingredients.” Only foods made with entirely organic ingredients can be labeled “100% organic,” whereas the “organic” label can be placed on foods that contain at least 95% organic ingredients, with the other 5% not containing growth hormones. The label “made with organic ingredients” can be attached to a product that contains 70% organic ingredients, meaning that the other 30 percent may be genetically modified or processed in some way.
The bottom line: Look for foods that have the 100% organic label to ensure that the whole product is totally free of synthetic additives and chemicals.
3. Low Fat: A food can legally be labeled as low fat if it contains 3 grams of fat or less per serving.
The bottom line: Generally, these foods should be avoided because in order to be low fat, these products usually rely on added sugar or artificial ingredients in order to make up for the lost flavor. You’re better off eating something that is full fat and totally natural than an artificial product that contains fewer calories.
4. Low Calorie: This term can be placed on a snack or side dish when a food is 40 calories or less per serving. For a main dish, it indicates that a food is 120 calories or less per serving.
The bottom line: These serving sizes are often quite small, and as with low fat foods, they usually contain artificial ingredients to compensate for the lack of calories. Buy foods that are naturally low in calories, such as fruits and vegetables, instead.
5. Sustainable: This term can apply to all types of agriculture, and it essentially means that the food was produced in a way that enhances environmental quality, respects animals, is healthy to consume, is humane for workers, and provides those workers with fair wages.
The bottom line: This definition is somewhat vague, and its terms are not always agreed upon, but you can be certain that sustainable foods are definitely better for your body and the environment than foods lacking this label.
6. All Natural: The FDA has yet to develop a strict definition for this term. Only foods that contain added color, artificial ingredients, or synthetic ingredients are prohibited from sporting this “natural” claim.
The bottom line: It doesn’t mean or indicate much at all when a food has this label, so use your own discretion when buying such products.
7. Biodynamic: This label, which is verified by the Demeter Association, means that the food is produced organically with a spiritual, ecological approach. Biodynamic farms utilize a holistic approach, and are managed as self-contained, self-sustaining ecosystems with little reliance on external inputs. This label is highly meaningful because of how many requirements the product has to meet, which take into account animal welfare, soil fertility, reliance on natural methods of pest management rather than chemical pesticides, and preservation of biodiversity.
The bottom line: Products marked with this label are without a doubt the best for your health as well as the environment, so, if your budget permits, you should consider buying them when possible.

Source: The Gracious Pantry